Sunday, July 08, 2007

Wall Street Conquering the Middle East and 666

it has been widely held
that it would be better to avoid
engaging in any serious conflicts in the middle east
because once disturbed and ignited
the education disposition religion
and the general culture of these people
would engage them completely in an adversarial posture
and there would be no solution
short of total annihilation

wall street is quite happy to know this
since and seems happy to provide
whatever products necessary to achieve the gruesome task
with the hope of showing higher quarterly earnings
and securing investors support

consequently as investors continue to support the process of war and destruction
they become an unpopular breed finding themselves
losing touch with the people from whose destruction they profit
becoming more isolated in their thinking and out of touch
with the humanity of their victims
referring to them in general terms as enemy terrorists
finding more and more reasons to condemn and blame
those whom they have invaded on a pretense
while justifying their actions
thus terrorized with the sophisticated weapons and massive injustices
of the west
against mankind on all levels
the cry for resistance and war escalates in the middle east

similarly germany was twice prodded to become a war machine
resulting in two world wars which resulted in the global hegemony of its victors
namely great britain and the united states
today the middle east stands as a serious obstacle
and menace to this process

as the united states failed recently in a similar pursuit in vietnam
it is doomed to fail again
without the complete marking identifying and enslavement of the entire world
because unlike the uniformed soldiers of germany
today's soldiers are unmarked exhibiting the cunning of stealth

therefore massive thought reform
and surveillance will be required
in order for the west to achieve it's goals

the inspired book of revelation
states that in the end each person in the world
will be forced to receive the mark of the beast
the only other option it states would be death
this concept since cain and abel
is the process of sin enfolding in the earth
separation from the source of generosity and peace
and the outpouring of every conceivable vice and evil
which money makes clean
"like hospital cornered sheets"


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