For the Noble Few Worthy of Liberty

the idea of the american revolution
had little to do with making it possible
for slaves to become free
but rather those who were indeed free
to remain free
at a time when the monarchy intended
to enslave the colonies
as well as their own homeland england
to the absolute dictates of a few
so rather than become slaves to that monarchy
the struggle to maintain ones personal freedom
and civilian rights tested and proved
high and worthy ideals of self determination
(note: gandhi and martin luther king
understood christ's death death on the cross
as exhibiting higher ideals for freedom)
but if a person lives like a slave
in bondage to anything
the consequences are disastrous
george dubya is president
because he understands bondage
and exchange
and can exploit the principles
of divide and conquer effectively
to control the world
those who "have" are dividing
from those who "have not"
those who "have" must be keep free
while those who have "not"
are must be kept shackled
before they destroy the freedom of those who have
and since a great many who "have not"
are already slaves
they are literally holding their wrists out
begging to be fettered
how does one determine who they are
the answer is easy
look for
drug addiction
flagrant sexual immorality
criminal culture
those who esteem imprisonment
in places like folsom and san quentin
something to be honored boasted about
and valued in their communities
over the freedom of squares and the educated
whom they mock and loathe
always for-getting
and never for-giving
taking the law into their own hands
preferring their their prisons
to live in over life in society
so instead of being held behind physical bars
the bars are being converted to psychological bars
of fear and paranoia
patrick henry once appealed to the already free men
in his famous speech
he asked his countrymen
if they intended to hold out their wrists
and lay supine as
the british were sending their troops to america
he opted for liberty or death
but things have changed today enormously
conditions are far different
than they were two hundred and thirty years ago
and how have things changed
the united states is at least fifty percent of the people
our government has acted in the highest essence
of that freedom once gained in Philadelphia
common poor people have risen
to the the ranks of the highest leadership
accountable to at least fifty percent of all the people
exposed and acting in accordance with the will of the nation
even robert s mcnamarra who shrugs his shoulders saying
"so, we made a few mistakes"
even nixon's mistakes and his filthy mouth
even clinton who enjoyed fellatio with interns
even bush's mistakes which is that he is a child
playing a game in his father's middle eastern sand box
a game that could end in nuclear war
is it now the people of the united states
who have become the new monarchy
of the entire world
are we angry today
are we are angry at the injustices
are we angry at the axis of evil
are we angry at terrorism
are we angry at the enslavement of certain peoples
are we angry at the abuse of women and children and the aged
are we angry at the unfair social and economic conditions
are we angry at the high life of a few
which feed upon the suffering of the many
the many who truly wish or wished for freedom
like the vietnamese and the iraqis
even though they hate us
and are or were willing to die for it
did we create saddam hussein
back in the eighties
to make it possible for him
to destroy truly evil people
who back then had sense enough
to want to destroy him
people who wanted to be free
from him back then
dead today
did we give him bechtel att&t and carlyle
to help him in his war for freedom
did we give him biological warfare capabilities
and weapons of mass destruction
in the same way
did we finance and prepare germany
through the nazi party of adolf hitler
and brown brother's harriman in wall street
ford motor
ibm and on
did we want him to kill all those wicked russian christians
and jews
did we ally with joseph stalin
after he butchered twenty million people
so that those who love freedom for all
the way we love freedom for all could survive
even if it takes getting rid of almighty god to do it
do we know that the ones who were left
who were so afraid
so war torn and immobilized
who would follow absolutely anything spinelessly
for a piece of bread
without an argument
fragmented divided souls
are indeed schizophrenic
do we esteem such as being better suited for our purpose
and more worthy of our new kind of freedom
is this like the freedom in patric henry's day
better suited than any of the rebels who die fighting for their beliefs
perhaps too frugal to suit our tastes
with too simple beliefs and practices
"if you don't need it
you don't need to own it"
and if you don't need to own it
you can share it
now has that philosophy
ever been supported
in the west
which believes in capitalism and mass media
especially of land
as a means of establishing a person through prosperity
even if it means owning the whole world
infinite wealth for a few
does that matter
when the people's coat of arms
is starbucks and mcdonalds
dedicated to curing hunger and disease globally
throw in a little fair trade
a few doctors
a few libraries
and a few bookkeepers to handle
the paperwork
for the noble few worthy of liberty ?
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