God Coming: the Process of Salvation

I find it interesting
that after six thousand years,
and the admission of the greater majority of all the persons
who have ever walked upon the earth,
there is a minuscule elite forming
who feel offended with the ancient, and ubiquitous term "God".
Many appear to be becoming
quite hostile over this issue;
choosing to take offense over this term,
and blaming those who use it
as being the cause of all of the worlds ills.
But, this is nothing new.
Lenin, Stalin and Mao felt the same way.
The beast is rearing his ugly head again,
but, this time it it may require Armageddon
to push him back into his dark ugly pit.
According to the Holy Scripture
God is the infinite, and eternal orgasm
of whom those who love are becoming.
Here's my understanding of it:
Human Beings were created in the image and likeness of the Creator,
(whom I will refer to as "God" from this point forward)
and lived spiritually in intimate union with their Creator.
The first human beings in recorded history
("Adam" means "man - mankind - human")
engaged the death experience
in order to expand their knowledge of good
by adding a curious new, seemingly flavorful dimension, called "evil".
They were deceived into thinking the Creator
was keeping something wise and nasty away from them.
And, indeed he was.
He wished to keep them innocent and blissful.
Unbeknown to them at the time,
their ignorant choice was to become, from the outset,
a horror of guilt and shame.
The traumatic awakening
to the frightening knowledge
of the insidiously hostile, lethal,
deceptive, critical, legal system, and imminent death,
(which their Creator warned them would happen,
commanding them to avoid going there
because he loved them and wanted them to be continually happy -
as all good parents wish for their children)
entered them powerfully at the amygdala level.
The immediate psychological effect
manifested itself as intense feelings of nakedness and shame.
They felt vulnerable, exposed and guilty.
Our deepest core values begin
at the sexual level as males and females.
It is quite understandable
that human sexuality would be associated
with their sin.
Our sexuality is essentially
who we are; heterosexual or straight.
Coming from a place
of experiencing only "good"
they both made the choice.
Remember, "God" had intended
for them only to have the knowledge of good.
After this disobedient act
they suffered a change of state (neurolinguistics)
Adam, Eve and their entire progeny,
was now strangled
in the hideousness of the effects.
What was purely innocent
became intensely perverse
and the human spirit
became unalterably distorted
from it's natural state of peace.
Nevertheless, God still loves us.
I believe God is Love Life and Truth.
This is the ultra dimensional being
who exists above our time and space continuum.
God's love promised a means of restoring humanity
to the grace of the knowledge of goodness once again,
through faith in absolutely perfect provisions, righteousness and nobility
to accomplish this in our behalf.
That provision was to be his own son,
the Messiah, the chosen person,
designated to restore, and thereby save all those who
wish to return to intimacy with the Creator.
In 1977, I made that choice.
I have had a blessed hope, peace and quite and interesting walk
since then. Mainly, I feel secure in the love of a personal being
I refer to as the Lord,
This information has come to the entire world
from generation to generation.
It stands as the final decision and Word
upon which all sound and rational judgement is made.
It bears no burden of proof.
It is the burden of those who disbelieve
to disprove this decision.
Abraham Isaac and Jacob
became the father of an entire nation
which was given the responsibility
of acting as able superintendents of this Word of promise.
God's plan and the complete resume
of his chosen servant Yeshua
was published in the Torah of Israel.
Israel has been meticulous to transmit that message
even though few Hebrews understand it.
Their impeccable way with the words, the law
and the prophesies is undeniably reliable.
As a living testimony to these facts
an early teacher of these truths
named Melchizedek, founded a city,
He was the King of Salem.
His city was known as the "The City of Salem",
or, the City of Peace.
This is a distinct statement and basis for the faithful
until this day.
He passed on the accurate message to Abraham
that God would come to earth as a human person
specifically to put on human flesh and understanding
and would suffer and die as we do
but that his death would have the effect
of saving all those who believe in him.
Abraham waited, watched and believed.
God considered him righteous for that reason.
Abraham is believed to have been one of the wealthiest
human beings that ever lived
even by today's standards.
Being defiled and fragmented on every level
by the restricting conditions of death
and the trauma of disease suffering and loss
we still live veiled and corrupted by our own mortality suspicions and fears.
Worst, we have devised legal systems to justify and sustain our guilt.
Those who cry out "Abba - Father" and receive God's own righteousness
through his Son Yeshua - known by some as Jesus
whose name means "Yahweh (Who I Am) Is Salvation".
receive the special gift of His enlightening Spirit
from that moment we respond to his loving call.
As a result the tenacious grip of "death mentality" lifted like a veil
and we begin to see the light of His Glorious Presence in us
in others and in the earth.
We who embrace this message and experience new life
become ambassadors of "Good News".
We are despised hated and even killed
by many who love and worship death.
Life is a choice
those who wish to possess it
must chose it.
Only then do we continue steadfast
to walk faithfully with God
in the full confidence and assurance of His presence friendship and grace
each day in our life's.
We will soon meet our Lord
face to face in Paradise.
May the glorious day come quickly.
- JTWildfeather
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