The Men, The Poet, and The Centurion

by Jeseppi Trade Wildfeather
If there is any truth in the saying of Lao-Tzu, “ He who knows does not say. He who says does not know”, then the accounts of class division dating back to the beginnings of recorded history tell a revealing story. For indeed, certain things are clearly said, but never truly spoken.
Here is an example of what a noble father, say Philip, might have said privately to his teenage son, say Alexander: “Son, outside the walls of this home, there are men whose lives are empty, vain and useless. These men, and their women, are often given over to the pursuit of frivolities. They are utterly lacking, empty-handed, inane, destitute and hungry. They own no property, and the little they have they waste, or permit to degenerate, as their own miserable souls, to a state of utter wantonness and despair. While in that state you may find them flourishing of arms, and filled with empty and unreal sensations. Beware! See to it that you keep them outside these walls at all times. And understand this, while they congregate near taverns, street corners, and market places their conversation is filled with grumbling, hatred, loathsome ideas, which include plundering the innocent and defenseless of every class. These miserable wretches are driven to lying, violence, and debauchery on every order. Mark them. Watch closely those who are more cunning who have some knowledge, or especially those from among us who have fallen. For those who can read and write and have some idea of social refinement will become artists, poets and empty philosophers filling their days with vain and empty babbling which ultimately leads to nothing.
Civilized society traditionally has ordered a place or realm for them which we call Hell fire. Since they are given over to such immoralities some act of humility and nobility on the part of our society we permit them to die a noble death fighting for a noble cause. Perhaps this will bring honor to them, and give them something to actually live for. For fighting may cause the spirit to embrace the more noble virtues of loyalty, courage, dedication, devotion to an honorable cause, and, if nothing else, a steady wage from which they might buy a small parcel of land and grow something to eat.
Those who are disloyal to our government we refer to as menaces, or men in short and their females are called withmen, or wimen. We as cultured males of our ancient society or caste, are known as “anthros”, from the Greek, as in the term philanthropy, or love of anthros. A better term is “homo”, from the Latin, which means “anthros”, and is where we derive the term “home”. Therefore, males of our society represent a place of security, order, and development. Our females are called simply feminine, since they provide care and nurturing. The term “family” comes from her. It should be unnecessary for me to say more.
Now, on to the matters of security, order and development. It is time once again to go to war. The refined families in other parts are aware of this. You will gather these most destitute of men by offering to feed and pay them. They will come. You will account for them by name, place of birth, age and some remarks concerning their stature and mental and emotional capacities, and divide them accordingly. You must govern them in groups of ten wide and ten deep. We will call that the “Centum”. You will place an individual in charge of these menaces who understands their wiles and unruly behavior. Understanding their capability for brutality, savagery, and violence, he must be able to focus them into a destructive fighting force, with the ultimate end to ennoble them and dignify them, so that when they die, and die they must, they will exit their miserable lives with the notion of honor. Their uniform will remind them of their state, their sacred honor and their decision to improve their lives. Should they survive perhaps they may be capable of properly appreciating and utilizing their reward, as dignified human beings. Be certain he exercises fairness, loyalty and honor at all times, but he must be as brutal, and more savage than they, but that for a higher cause, yours, his, theirs, and ultimately, for that of the entire race. Therefore, the term, “Centaur” is most fitting for this person, or “Centaurion”. I would advise you to train these Centaurions to utilize thought reform early on in the training, since it will be much easier to control these unruly men once their minds have been adequately harnessed. You will refer to them as “men” since they are menaces, and they are already dead in their treasons, treacheries, betrayals and infidelities. Occasionally, the more noble poets, and philosophers will find themselves in their midst. Treat them with greater dignity, placing them in charge over smaller groups. Give them a chance to redeem themselves. They are more easily trained, since some of the work has already been done, and they are more apt to succeed, afterward should they survive. Understand this; the poets, artists and philosophers, and the menaces to society share similar attributes. This is why they congregate and associate together. The poets attempt to educate and control the masses through their vain, ill supported doctrines. They often become powerful and cause the more zealous of the brutes to sedition, terrorism and rebellion. We must therefore, harness them all together and educate them as one. Later on, the ones who survive will boast of their service to God, County, and Mom’s baklava. The term “Kenos”, from the Greek, which has come to mean “poet”, means empty-handed, fruitless and vain. The word, “Menio”, from the Greek, means to disclose what is secret, reveal or betray. “Centaur” in mythology is half andros and half beast. Let history guide you. These methods have been time tested. Now, gather them, set up your centurions and take them off to war. We must be diligent lest we keep our enemies waiting and frustrated. After all, they are still our blood relatives, and still our families, albeit distant.
About the Author, and commentary:
In this vignette if have attempted to disclose, reveal and betray what I think is the unspoken, paradigm of the Old Regime.
As an eternal student of Romance Languages and culture with a background in Greek and Latin, I often refer to the ancient volume of Liddel & Scott’s Greek Lexicon, an old tomb of over forty five thousand words used before the first century A.D. The words represent the ideas of the geniuses who wrote and read them. Since that time, in spite of our cumulative knowledge, their intellectual excellence as represented in words and usage has never been equaled in any culture. Some say Sanscrit is the most comparable. It should be clear in throughout literature that western civilization has since been in a constant state of devolution. Our language today is clumsy, awkward and at a loss for the terms to express spiritual and philosophical thinking as compared to the Greek of Aristotle's day. The Russian mind and culture maintains something of the ancient breadth and color of the Greeks. It is with humbleness, and awe that I approach these studies recognizing that although I may be somewhat well studied, and may have valid ideas and insights, my thinking is as refined, as my language training, milieu and intelligence capabilities.
The presence of a word in context, then, stands as an expression of ideas once conceived giving meaning, evidence and facts of events. These tiny morsels of information speak clearly. Found in groups, in certain strata of time and place, words have progeny, and ancestry as do people and families do, since they originate from and resemble human life. Words and the pictures they produce shape thoughts and events cultures past and present.
The word, then, is the question, and the answer concerning who we are, and why we do what we do? Where do we come from, and at what certain point were we created. Over what expanse of time did we evolved, if we did evolve. These at best are postulates. At what point did we begin to understand the meaning of love, life, truth and insight? Was our arrival to humanity via a intelligent living medium of a higher order? For, certainly, people have looked to the heavens for wisdom since the beginning of recorded history. Where is our home, and place of origin? Is the earth the original and only source of our existence? Indigenous peoples, who have evolved continually to the present have the purest connection and knowledge of life on earth. Invariably, they acknowledge a supreme being, and deity, and regard an afterlife as a place of eternal well being, happiness and feelings of security and bliss? Those, by contrast, who dwell in the harsh, chaotic urban centers, live in an essentially inorganic, unnatural state. Given that the present highest level of our physical evolution is at the Paleolithic stage, our unnatural mechanized environment is restrictive and toxic to humanity, and the belief systems which follow from this state is similar.
Urban mankind’s curious return to tribal thinking and natural, and holistic living is a necessary change in order that we may survive in balance with nature.
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