The Sayings of Jeseppi Trade Wildfeather
life transcends feelings
love, life and truth
is the natural instinct of higher life forms
hatred, death and lies
is of the lower
blessings are a function of the body
more than the mouth
unless you are God
or you have the authority
to speak them into existence
the sun is alive
the earth is dead
live in the gift
keep your word and show up
knowledge is control
and many use information
to manipulate the lives of others
most arguments are some form of abuse
she was terminally nil
a dollar is a strange substance
it is one of the few things
that can be meaningful and meaningless
at the same time
freemen will never seccumb to slavery
but maintain large armies of slaves
in order to secure their own bondage to liberty
cognitive dissonance
is justifying what we do
so that we can stomach
our own existance
what i thought was love
was little more
than me trying to fulfill
my own emotional needs
whatever and wherever you are
is your life
but that could change
that's all very nice
what you couldda done and been
sometimes its simply better to go with
what you got now
and what there's still time to do and be
i love my wife
she keeps me busy
she keeps me active
she keeps me from receding into myself
tyrants manufacture arms and equip armies
they inspire, develop and create wars
which forces the people of the united states
to pay billions in taxes for military spending
the drive to get or consume is lust
the drive to give or release is life
Iraq was fattened for the kill
same way Germany was
both were premeditated murders
planned and executed in Wall Street
abuse is never a one way street
good food and the quality of it
is the most important thing
in a person's life
more than clothing
and more than shelter
war is hell
those who favorite it are devils
peace is heaven
those who favorite it are angels
love is alive
everything else is dead
i serve you freely and faithfully
but treat me as your slave
how ridiculous, how absurd, how vulgar
for when you do
you give me even greater authority
over you
beware of certain people
itchin to be you friend
so that one day they can tell you
to go screw yourself
the government is slowly but securely shackling the nation
in the tight bonds of whose freedom?
Sometimes i feel like asking certain insecure people
I run across every now and then,
"Is it really all that hard for you to feel secure?
Are you really all that fucked up?
Or, is that simply the game you like to play?"
But i never do ... that is my game.
women loathe men
who kiss them because they are beautiful
and love to kiss men
with whom they feel connected
forget about the shadows
for they are nothing
and pray to understand the movement of light
and you will come to know the meaning
of all that is sublime
the quickest way
and the best way
to become successful and famous
is to love what you do
rather than to love the fantasy
of becoming successful and famous
if you are alive
there is a chance you will survive
those who perform their art
to give love
rather than to get love
are the happiest
Christ never asked us to forgo living in the present
for the promise of some future reward
vain religion does
Christ asks us to love, to give, to forgive
and to believe
to her
life was one huge pez dispenser
if mankind had as much respect for the living
as it does for the dead
the world would be a much happier place
to live and die in
one of the reasons why jews are successful
is because they have a tribal sense of family
they speak to one another constantly
they give each other the business!
the capability to come and go
is the measure of a person's freedom
hear oh Ysrael
you must first accept the idea of the messiah
before you can judge who he is
god says thou shall not kill
but if the state says thou shalt kill
in the interests of your country
it is no longer immoral but an honor
where do you go
after you no longer need to impress anyone?
the only way to survive around predators
is as a predator
the physically strong and violent get eaten by the word “guilty”
the mentally weak and meek are liberated by the word “innocent”
all prey are either hiding or perishing
jazz is often an obsessive compulsive tick
posing as creative rhythm
never be a receptacle
for someone else's snot rags
inconsistency leads to chaos and disaster
your consciousness is your eternity
Imperfections are the nemesis of some and the power of others.
The whole idea is to love people without judging them.
I am always in a state of growth. What can I say?
I'll do everything I can to make you happy except make myself sad.
"Once You Have Arrived", has much more to do with how present your are
than how well you are received.
With the amount of money americans spend on toilet paper we could feed the rest of the world. If you throw in tissues paper towels tampons and diapers we could feed them, buy them clothes, pay their rent, and send them to school.
when love is life
life is everlasting life
when love is death
death is eternal damnation
know what you love
choose life
taxes are the least
of what truly taxes people
thoughts become words
words become actions
actions become habits
habits become character
character becomes destiny
franklin became currency
you know you are getting healthy
when you can say
i am uninterested in allowing you to use my soft ass
as a pincushion for everything that needles you emotionally
My mother and father taught me how to shut down before ever thinking of opening up. And then said, never look back. But i am looking back and recovering nicely.
Our present is the only forever we will ever know.
Supreme Being is pure energy —the ultradimensional reality of love life and light who manifests in the time and space continuum as omniscient omnipotent, omnipresent, immeasurable, boundless and unlimited; Christ.
who i am becoming
is who i am
there are reasons
why females have been governed
to be modest and covered up
for millenia by men
and it is time to take a good look
at what they are
Gorgeous, beautiful or otherwise, pretty females are often inclined to use their looks to control men. Since their proportions effects motor responses in males, and they know it, we are often victimized by our subconscious need to copulate.
After making their doctors rich most old folks die of a drug overdose
quite confused. Jimi expressed the truth and was assassinated quite clearly.
These wicked terrorists are being eliminated in order to bring democracy and freedom to a world of sluts, pimps, gluttons, druggies and murderers
i.e., the axis of good.
If one wishes to be discovered it is better to be discovered by someone who exploits you for spiritual profit rather than for monetary profit.
You have to know what's with it in order to stay with it otherwise you can lose it.
your expression is who you are
who you are as a person
is more dependent upon
what you wish to express
than what others wish to hear or perceive
truth is no illusion
a truly wealthy person
has enough
the truly poor person
never has enough
Practice and saying in the pink is the physical evidenceof a deeply philosophical mind.
I find it interesting that after six thousand years, and the admission of the greater majority of all the personswho have ever walked upon the earth, today, that there is a miniscule elite forming who feel offended with the ancient, and ubiquitous term "God".
true noble character is evident
in discipline courage and loyalty
formed through love and truth
never by fear and deception
human integrity
begins with
standing up tall
who has the greater shame
and whose spirit is the more greatly defiled
the naked slave
or the well arrayed bidder
real work horses
know nothing about getting things done
and knowing
when to let go
pure energy is ultradimentional Being
Good care for oneself results in the best care for others. The converse is also true.
all those years of stupid smiles
and making nice
in the end
you flipped me off
with love and kisses
no one is expendable
everyone is needed
those who are for giving
have many guests who are for getting
there is nothing more dreadful to look at
than the face of deception
war is terror
many people can sing
fewer people can dance
those who sing and dance
at the same time
are bound to make you laugh
I have enough fear, shame, anxiety and guilt of my own. Keep your gorey details to yourself.
the rich get richer
and the poor get smarter
Life is light; is truth. Death is darkness; is deception –two entirely different kinds of energy. What drives you?
I am a meatball in the spaghetti sause of God.
peace is easy
hatred is hard
open hands for giving
easily bring tears of joy
clenched fists of vengeance
bring hard tears of misery
for too many years
i was the subject
of the object
self consciousness is insanity
self awareness is the cure
when self respect is the currency
and pathetic vainglory is the product
absolute rubbish is the end result
your word
is your world
those who disagree
die in battle
He who is free may be bound but is never in bondage. But he who is in bondage may be unbound but is never free.
for-giving is open and receptive
for-getting is closed and repulsive
the difference between
repentance and regret
is life and death
when you call it creation
it is some form of god
when you call it art
more often it is some form of drag
When being in the moment means as much to others as it does to you,
you and your performance have achieved true fame.
The real issues oppose the false people.
Love is the irrational function of intellect and will.
Few females i know have ever tasted a real male.
Life is a joust.
There is no escaping now.
make it fun
make it beautiful
make it happy
The one who preserves the truth before his body is your superior.
On the Bilderbergers – Righteousness stands open and true, whereas the philosophy of tyrrany and dictatorship is secrecy, concealment and fear.
Jesus removed the agonizing guilt and shame which separated me from God.
it makes no difference
which came first
the chicken or the egg
i eat them both
Some say Jesus was a rebel. I say, Jesus was obedient even to death. Those who condemn him are rebels.
the word of god
is more about
a living consciousness
than about
lifeless printed words
Understanding Politics – I'm right, and you left.
George Washington's farewell address was farewell to liberty, for indeed,
there has been no such liberty seen in this country since.
I believe that the national security is a function of the soul first and the body second.
real feelings
are what you have
when you open up
false feelings
are what you have
when you shut down
Everyyone is a little bit Jewish.
Understand the meaning of the word “enough”.
The true religion worships a false god.
is traumatized
few know it
everyone is poor
few know it
everyone is rich
few know it
everyone is blessed
few know it
everyone is cursed
few know it
everyone is brilliant
few know it
everyone is stupid
few know it
everyone is doomed
few know it
everyone is saved
few know it
It is better to tell exactly what you feel than to tell exactly what you think.
Vain Illusions: What you see is the light of what you think is the substance you know you believe you see.
The Stick Up: If she grabs you by your eyes you will gladly give her your wallet.
Those who who are able to receive pain are much tougher than those who are able to give it.
I know for a fact after the fact.
Italians fantacize about being loved; Jews –about being hated.
Sin is biting into what is biting into you.
to defend themselves
Government is like the rigging on a sailboat without the sails.
The artists have always run the village.
Bonzai People
kept in small containers
roots chopped away
branches twisted in wires
dwarfed human beings
have been neatly and strangely formed
down through the centuries
ignorance is loud
wisdom is quiet
the ignorant tell
then follow the herd
the wise listen
then command
when the ignorant speak the wise yawn
when the wise speak the ignorant yawn
the wise think they are ignorant
the ignorant think they are wise
the wise are full of grace
the ignorant are full of disgrace
the ignorant are common
the wise are uncommon
the wise love to conserve and hate to waste
the ignorant hate to conserve and love to waste
what makes the wise laugh makes the ignorant cry
what makes the ignorant laugh makes the wise cry
the wise know how to turn the ignorant on
the ignorant turn the wise off
the wise are sensitive
the ignorant are senseless
the wise are still here
the ignorant are already gone
How does a wondering Jew understand the feelings of a permanent Palestinian?
love, life and truth
is the natural instinct of higher life forms
hatred, death and lies
is of the lower
blessings are a function of the body
more than the mouth
unless you are God
or you have the authority
to speak them into existence
the sun is alive
the earth is dead
live in the gift
keep your word and show up
knowledge is control
and many use information
to manipulate the lives of others
most arguments are some form of abuse
she was terminally nil
a dollar is a strange substance
it is one of the few things
that can be meaningful and meaningless
at the same time
freemen will never seccumb to slavery
but maintain large armies of slaves
in order to secure their own bondage to liberty
cognitive dissonance
is justifying what we do
so that we can stomach
our own existance
what i thought was love
was little more
than me trying to fulfill
my own emotional needs
whatever and wherever you are
is your life
but that could change
that's all very nice
what you couldda done and been
sometimes its simply better to go with
what you got now
and what there's still time to do and be
i love my wife
she keeps me busy
she keeps me active
she keeps me from receding into myself
tyrants manufacture arms and equip armies
they inspire, develop and create wars
which forces the people of the united states
to pay billions in taxes for military spending
the drive to get or consume is lust
the drive to give or release is life
Iraq was fattened for the kill
same way Germany was
both were premeditated murders
planned and executed in Wall Street
abuse is never a one way street
good food and the quality of it
is the most important thing
in a person's life
more than clothing
and more than shelter
war is hell
those who favorite it are devils
peace is heaven
those who favorite it are angels
love is alive
everything else is dead
i serve you freely and faithfully
but treat me as your slave
how ridiculous, how absurd, how vulgar
for when you do
you give me even greater authority
over you
beware of certain people
itchin to be you friend
so that one day they can tell you
to go screw yourself
the government is slowly but securely shackling the nation
in the tight bonds of whose freedom?
Sometimes i feel like asking certain insecure people
I run across every now and then,
"Is it really all that hard for you to feel secure?
Are you really all that fucked up?
Or, is that simply the game you like to play?"
But i never do ... that is my game.
women loathe men
who kiss them because they are beautiful
and love to kiss men
with whom they feel connected
forget about the shadows
for they are nothing
and pray to understand the movement of light
and you will come to know the meaning
of all that is sublime
the quickest way
and the best way
to become successful and famous
is to love what you do
rather than to love the fantasy
of becoming successful and famous
if you are alive
there is a chance you will survive
those who perform their art
to give love
rather than to get love
are the happiest
Christ never asked us to forgo living in the present
for the promise of some future reward
vain religion does
Christ asks us to love, to give, to forgive
and to believe
to her
life was one huge pez dispenser
if mankind had as much respect for the living
as it does for the dead
the world would be a much happier place
to live and die in
one of the reasons why jews are successful
is because they have a tribal sense of family
they speak to one another constantly
they give each other the business!
the capability to come and go
is the measure of a person's freedom
hear oh Ysrael
you must first accept the idea of the messiah
before you can judge who he is
god says thou shall not kill
but if the state says thou shalt kill
in the interests of your country
it is no longer immoral but an honor
where do you go
after you no longer need to impress anyone?
the only way to survive around predators
is as a predator
the physically strong and violent get eaten by the word “guilty”
the mentally weak and meek are liberated by the word “innocent”
all prey are either hiding or perishing
jazz is often an obsessive compulsive tick
posing as creative rhythm
never be a receptacle
for someone else's snot rags
inconsistency leads to chaos and disaster
your consciousness is your eternity
Imperfections are the nemesis of some and the power of others.
The whole idea is to love people without judging them.
I am always in a state of growth. What can I say?
I'll do everything I can to make you happy except make myself sad.
"Once You Have Arrived", has much more to do with how present your are
than how well you are received.
With the amount of money americans spend on toilet paper we could feed the rest of the world. If you throw in tissues paper towels tampons and diapers we could feed them, buy them clothes, pay their rent, and send them to school.
when love is life
life is everlasting life
when love is death
death is eternal damnation
know what you love
choose life
taxes are the least
of what truly taxes people
thoughts become words
words become actions
actions become habits
habits become character
character becomes destiny
franklin became currency
you know you are getting healthy
when you can say
i am uninterested in allowing you to use my soft ass
as a pincushion for everything that needles you emotionally
My mother and father taught me how to shut down before ever thinking of opening up. And then said, never look back. But i am looking back and recovering nicely.
Our present is the only forever we will ever know.
Supreme Being is pure energy —the ultradimensional reality of love life and light who manifests in the time and space continuum as omniscient omnipotent, omnipresent, immeasurable, boundless and unlimited; Christ.
who i am becoming
is who i am
there are reasons
why females have been governed
to be modest and covered up
for millenia by men
and it is time to take a good look
at what they are
Gorgeous, beautiful or otherwise, pretty females are often inclined to use their looks to control men. Since their proportions effects motor responses in males, and they know it, we are often victimized by our subconscious need to copulate.
After making their doctors rich most old folks die of a drug overdose
quite confused. Jimi expressed the truth and was assassinated quite clearly.
These wicked terrorists are being eliminated in order to bring democracy and freedom to a world of sluts, pimps, gluttons, druggies and murderers
i.e., the axis of good.
If one wishes to be discovered it is better to be discovered by someone who exploits you for spiritual profit rather than for monetary profit.
You have to know what's with it in order to stay with it otherwise you can lose it.
your expression is who you are
who you are as a person
is more dependent upon
what you wish to express
than what others wish to hear or perceive
truth is no illusion
a truly wealthy person
has enough
the truly poor person
never has enough
Practice and saying in the pink is the physical evidenceof a deeply philosophical mind.
I find it interesting that after six thousand years, and the admission of the greater majority of all the personswho have ever walked upon the earth, today, that there is a miniscule elite forming who feel offended with the ancient, and ubiquitous term "God".
true noble character is evident
in discipline courage and loyalty
formed through love and truth
never by fear and deception
human integrity
begins with
standing up tall
who has the greater shame
and whose spirit is the more greatly defiled
the naked slave
or the well arrayed bidder
real work horses
know nothing about getting things done
and knowing
when to let go
pure energy is ultradimentional Being
Good care for oneself results in the best care for others. The converse is also true.
all those years of stupid smiles
and making nice
in the end
you flipped me off
with love and kisses
no one is expendable
everyone is needed
those who are for giving
have many guests who are for getting
there is nothing more dreadful to look at
than the face of deception
war is terror
many people can sing
fewer people can dance
those who sing and dance
at the same time
are bound to make you laugh
I have enough fear, shame, anxiety and guilt of my own. Keep your gorey details to yourself.
the rich get richer
and the poor get smarter
Life is light; is truth. Death is darkness; is deception –two entirely different kinds of energy. What drives you?
I am a meatball in the spaghetti sause of God.
peace is easy
hatred is hard
open hands for giving
easily bring tears of joy
clenched fists of vengeance
bring hard tears of misery
for too many years
i was the subject
of the object
self consciousness is insanity
self awareness is the cure
when self respect is the currency
and pathetic vainglory is the product
absolute rubbish is the end result
your word
is your world
those who disagree
die in battle
He who is free may be bound but is never in bondage. But he who is in bondage may be unbound but is never free.
for-giving is open and receptive
for-getting is closed and repulsive
the difference between
repentance and regret
is life and death
when you call it creation
it is some form of god
when you call it art
more often it is some form of drag
When being in the moment means as much to others as it does to you,
you and your performance have achieved true fame.
The real issues oppose the false people.
Love is the irrational function of intellect and will.
Few females i know have ever tasted a real male.
Life is a joust.
There is no escaping now.
make it fun
make it beautiful
make it happy
The one who preserves the truth before his body is your superior.
On the Bilderbergers – Righteousness stands open and true, whereas the philosophy of tyrrany and dictatorship is secrecy, concealment and fear.
Jesus removed the agonizing guilt and shame which separated me from God.
it makes no difference
which came first
the chicken or the egg
i eat them both
Some say Jesus was a rebel. I say, Jesus was obedient even to death. Those who condemn him are rebels.
the word of god
is more about
a living consciousness
than about
lifeless printed words
Understanding Politics – I'm right, and you left.
George Washington's farewell address was farewell to liberty, for indeed,
there has been no such liberty seen in this country since.
I believe that the national security is a function of the soul first and the body second.
real feelings
are what you have
when you open up
false feelings
are what you have
when you shut down
Everyyone is a little bit Jewish.
Understand the meaning of the word “enough”.
The true religion worships a false god.
is traumatized
few know it
everyone is poor
few know it
everyone is rich
few know it
everyone is blessed
few know it
everyone is cursed
few know it
everyone is brilliant
few know it
everyone is stupid
few know it
everyone is doomed
few know it
everyone is saved
few know it
It is better to tell exactly what you feel than to tell exactly what you think.
Vain Illusions: What you see is the light of what you think is the substance you know you believe you see.
The Stick Up: If she grabs you by your eyes you will gladly give her your wallet.
Those who who are able to receive pain are much tougher than those who are able to give it.
I know for a fact after the fact.
Italians fantacize about being loved; Jews –about being hated.
Sin is biting into what is biting into you.
to defend themselves
Government is like the rigging on a sailboat without the sails.
The artists have always run the village.
Bonzai People
kept in small containers
roots chopped away
branches twisted in wires
dwarfed human beings
have been neatly and strangely formed
down through the centuries
ignorance is loud
wisdom is quiet
the ignorant tell
then follow the herd
the wise listen
then command
when the ignorant speak the wise yawn
when the wise speak the ignorant yawn
the wise think they are ignorant
the ignorant think they are wise
the wise are full of grace
the ignorant are full of disgrace
the ignorant are common
the wise are uncommon
the wise love to conserve and hate to waste
the ignorant hate to conserve and love to waste
what makes the wise laugh makes the ignorant cry
what makes the ignorant laugh makes the wise cry
the wise know how to turn the ignorant on
the ignorant turn the wise off
the wise are sensitive
the ignorant are senseless
the wise are still here
the ignorant are already gone
How does a wondering Jew understand the feelings of a permanent Palestinian?